In our continuing effort to complete the mjdawn back catalog, Ignostic Front proudly issues mjdawn’s latest release, Compiled.Documented.Manifested. Delve into the coagulated byways of a world only seen from behind the eyes of a mad adventurer. Take this trip back and also forward through time…back to the origins of mjdawn’s earlier career with the two songs: “Numerical Alchemy” and “gridstackblack”. These tracks were originally released on the two “AtmoWorks Presents…” compilation albums, now out of print. Here once again, experience these pieces in beautiful re-mastered versions. This release, as equally exciting, also includes an excursion into the latest territories mjdawn is exploring. “Pion” is the first new mjdawn track in many years, and worth the wait!
Experience new detail and clarity, in these re-released tracks along with the future unfolding in “Pion” as new and older fans alike will enjoy. And to further honor this historical reissue, a download is packaged with bold new artwork, transformed from the previous cover art. A purchase is available in high quality 24 bit audio along with unlimited streaming from his Bandcamp site.